Refrigerators are one of the most essential appliances to have in any home, and as with any appliance, they are not cheap. Refrigerators operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; which makes them the most likely appliance to experience more wear and tear. If a refrigerator is experiencing technical difficulty, it could increase power bills, ruin structure around the refrigerator, and spoil food among other setbacks. There are a number of ways you can extend life of your refrigerator and minimize the need for repairs, and today, we at Southwest Appliance Repair of San Antonio would like to share a few tips on doing just that.
Refrigerator Home Maintenance Troubleshooting, Repair, Care & Cleaning Checklist
1. Clean Your Refrigerator. Everyone will eventually clean the inside of the refrigerator when it gets overcrowded, but the exterior of the refrigerator needs a good wipe down from top to bottom and all around, especially the condenser coils. Every six months the coils behind, or underneath the refrigerator will accrue dust and debris which needs to be cleaned to operate at peak performance. Unplug the refrigerator, as the coils are heated during use. They are large, radiator-like coils. If the coils are located in the rear, pull out the fridge, and vacuum out the dust and debris, keeping in mind using attachments, bristle brush works best, to get as much of the nooks and crannies cleaned. If the coils are underneath, pull off the grille covering, and vacuum accordingly. Keep the inside of refrigerator cleaned out as frequently as needed with hot soapy water. Make sure all food crumb debris, liquid, and sticky residues are all properly cleaned. Adding a small box of baking soda can absorb pungent odors, so other edibles do not collect the odor.
2. Monitor Refrigerator Temperature. The temperature inside your refrigerator needs to be monitored. As easily as it is to adjust the temperatures, sometimes we can accidentally set the temperatures at the wrong settings, not to mention keeping an eye on it can help you catch problems early on. The temperature inside your refrigerator should be kept between 37-40 degrees Fahrenheit. What many don’t realize is that warm food absorbs the cool air. To keep the temperature regulated, avoid opening the doors too much, or leaving them open if possible, and allow warm leftovers to cool to room temperature before storing them in the fridge. Putting warm food in the fridge will cause warm temperature spikes, forcing your refrigerator to work harder in order to cool things down at the designated temperature. Temperature gauges with a dial and number selection from 1-5, are undependable. Use a temperature monitor, or sensor to better manage the correct temperature.
3. Clean & Maintain Refrigerator Gaskets. Don’t neglect door gaskets which so many homeowners are guilty of. Rubber gasket or door seals frequently deteriorate or become loose over time and daily use. Ensure the gaskets are serving their primary function and the cool air isn’t leaking out. Keep the gaskets clean every three months with warm soapy water contributes to preserving their efficiency.
4. Keep Refrigerator Door Closed During Power Outages. During a power outage, it is recommended you avoid opening the fridge. When your home loses power, your fridge’s temperature will slowly rise. Keeping your fridge doors close will help your fridge contain the cool air in, better preserving your food and medicines stored therein.
If your refrigerator is over 20 years old, you may want to consider replacing it, even if it still seems to be functioning well. Older fridge’s are not energy efficient, and can be costing more in power bills. If your refrigerator is experiencing any issues, Southwest Appliance Repair of San Antonio can make the appliance repairs quickly and efficiently. Call us today to get started!